Sustainability in Orthopaedics
BOTA recognises the importance of sustainable and environmentally responsible delivery of healthcare, and strongly supports the movement towards NHS Net Zero. Theatre contribution to the NHS carbon footprint is significant, and there is much work to be done to address this.
Through the work of the BOTA Sustainability & Workforce Representative, we strive to improve the delivery of our own services, including our annual Congress, to ensure we are as sustainable as possible, as well as working with stakeholders on Green Surgery and Sustainability initiatives. Our own Sustainability in T&O Conference (see below) is the centrepiece of our work in showcasing the great work being done in our specialty, and promoting these values of sustainable surgery in T&O
Sustainability in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Virtual Conference
BOTA are proud to bring you this year's Sustainability in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Virtual Conference, which we are hosting in collaboration with Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK).
The focus of this year's event will be on green surgery, and how we can assess and reduce the environmental impact of our work.
The morning session will see a variety of speakers discussing ongoing important areas for progress, and their ongoing work, as well as how you can get more involved as an interested individual. Speakers include:
- Deborah Eastwood (BOA)
- Andrew Stevenson (RCS England)
- Jonathan Evans (Exeter)
- Hammad Parwaiz (NJR Fellow)
The afternoon will see pitches for ORUK's £1500 of seed funding towards future sustainability projects, as well as presentations of your audit and quality improvement work on sustainability in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery (
Please contact for further information or if you have any questions, or if you would be interested in speaking at the event (not including abstract submissions).
Please find the following resources on sustainability in orthopaedics:

Sustainable Orthopaedic Systems
Go Live! Let’s make change happen.
Sustainable Orthopaedic Systems
Would you like to put an end to all the waste you experience daily : the waste of your time, the financial waste of ineffective processes and of course the unsustainable waste of materials?
By investing 10 minutes of your valuable time to complete the Sustainable Orthopaedic Systems questionnaire below, we will begin the journey of capturing your views and valuable experience. We will use the information you give us to create reports that will be relevant to our practice and which can be used to inform and influence better decision making and deliver sustainable solutions .
The BOA and BOTA have partnered with who will keep all information provided totally confidential. Malue will aggregate the data collected into dynamic reports that will be shared with our membership and then presented to inform decision makers on how to save time, money, and the environment. As the information and your details will be held securely by Malue as an external agent - to complete the survey you will be asked to log in via email/GMC number and to create a password. The BOA will not have have access to your individual responses..
Our goal is to put a dynamic and sustainable mechanism in place to ensure all our members and colleagues are heard and your wisdom is captured: we need to hear your voice. .
Please click the link
With thanks from
Deborah Eastwood
Lucky Jeyaseelan
Francesca Solari
Juliet Clutton
On behalf of the BOA and BOTA