Resources for BOTA Members on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery
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Sources of advice and support within individual NHS trusts:
Your trust should have a local policy but these are people in position of
Clinical supervisors
Assigned Educational Supervisors
Freedom to Speak Up Champions/Representatives
Directors of Medical Education
Clinical Directors
Medical Directors
Line managers
Guidance for educators, supervisors and managers:
WPSMS have produced a guidance document on how to manage concerns about sexual misconduct for educators and managers:
Share your stories and hear others’:
Surviving in Scrubs is a website and organisation founded by doctors as a place to share survivor stories of sexism, harassment, and sexual assault in the healthcare workforce. With over 200 published shared personal stories so far, this platform is being used to push for change in healthcare and end this culture. Along with these published stories, their website also contains many other helpful and interesting resources:
Project S is a campaign set up by Milton Keynes University Hospital to raise the voices of women who have experienced discrimination at work, and who have felt unsafe at work as a result:
Support for your mental health and wellbeing:
Your local GP can provide information about local services and supports you can access, for example, some areas have self-referral services for talking therapies.
NHS Practitioner Health: a free, confidential NHS primary care mental health and addiction service with expertise in treating health & care professionals. They can offer counselling including CBT, as well as a number of other services:
Further resources for NHS Staff can be found here:
RCS England's Confidential Support and Advice Service (0800 028 0199); provides confidential support and advice from a trained counsellor, available 24/7:
You can also contact the BMA on 0330 123 1245; Free, confidential, 24/7 counselling and peer support services which are open to all doctors and medical students:
The Confederation of British Surgeons offers a confidential helpline CBS Helpline:
Help and support for individuals affected by any form of sexual misconduct:
Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) offer a range of services, including:
Crisis care
Medical examinations – they have forensic medical examination facilities should you wish to report the assault to the police or are considering doing this, once you've had time to consider your options
Emergency contraception
Testing for sexually transmitted infections
Arrange access to an independent sexual violence advisor
Assist in referrals to mental health support
Signpost to voluntary sector sexual violence support service
Information on SARCs including details of your nearest service can be found at:
SARCS Finder in England & Wales: https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/other-health-services/rape-and-sexual-assault-referral-centres
SARCs Finder in Scotland: https://www.nhsinform.scot/turn-to-sarcs/
SARCs Finder in Northern Ireland: https://www.sexualhealthni.info/regional-sexual-assault-referral-centre-sarc-northern-ireland
NHS information page on ‘Help after rape and sexual assault’:
Government website on ‘Support for victims of sexual violence and abuse’: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/victim-and-witness-services
Rape Crisis Charities:
England & Wales: https://rapecrisis.org.uk/
Scotland: https://www.rapecrisisscotland.org.uk/
Ireland: https://www.rapecrisishelp.ie/
Advice lines:
Free legal advice is available to women in England and Wales experiencing sexual harassment at work on:
020 7490 0152
Rights of Women’s Helpline provides free and confidential legal advice to women and girls in dealing with sexual harassment at work on: 020 7490 0152
SurvivorsUK has a free, confidential national online helpline for men and boys:
GALOP offer a free, confidential and independent helpline and support service for all LGBT+people who’ve experienced sexual assault, violence or abuse:
Victim Support offers free and confidential telephone support for complainants, patients,witnesses and their families during a GMC investigation. You can talk to them about how you’re feeling and what to expect. They can also signpost you to specialist support organisations:
Support with whistleblowing:
National Guardian Freedom to Speak Up Website where you can find out who your local guardians are and how to contact them, as well as other information:
GMC Ethical Hub Pages on Speaking Up provide advice and tools:
The GMC’s confidential helpline can also provide guidance on how to raise concerns. You can remain anonymous if you prefer. Although staff are not trained to provide legal or counselling support in relation to sexual misconduct, they can signpost to other organisations. It is available Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm on 0161 923 6399.
The NHS Speak Up Helpline, available in England and Wales, offers legally compliant, unbiased support and guidance: https://speakup.direct/
Protect, an organisation providing free confidential whistleblowing advice and support:
The Independent National Whistleblowing Officer in Scotland provides information, advice and support on raising concerns: