Derriford Hospital – Plymouth
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital – Exeter
Torbay Hospital – Torbay
Royal Cornwall Hospital - Truro
North Devon District Hospital - Barnstaple

Rotation Highlights
Peninsula is a close-knit and sociable training rotation with a total of 35 Orthopaedic trainees or so at any point. The region is a fantastic place to live for the outdoor enthusiast as we are surrounded by 630 miles of stunning coastline. We also have rolling countryside, dramatic moorland and a fantastic food scene.
We are fortunate to have two expanding medical schools in the region (Plymouth and Exeter) providing academic opportunities for trainees in the form of research, postgraduate qualifications and teaching.
Derriford Hospital in Plymouth is our major trauma centre and is one of the only hospitals in the country to have every major surgical speciality under one roof. Here trainees can expect high volume trauma exposure with a significant focus on training. We are also fortunate to have input from our highly experienced military consultants who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Royal Devon and Exeter is world-renowned for its arthroplasty and spinal service. The unit plays an active role in training and academic development in the region.
North Devon, Torbay and the Royal Cornwall Hospitals are all high case volume and training orientated DGH’s providing a supportive environment for trainees. As such trainees often complete their indicative numbers long before their CCT date.
The South West Orthopaedic Research Division (SWORD) was set up in 2017 as our trainee led collaborative group with great success to date.
Robin Jones