East Midlands North (Trent)
Queens Medical Centre (Major trauma centre)
Nottingham City hospital
Royal Derby hospital
Chesterfield Royal hospital
Kings Mill hospital

Rotation Highlights
This rotation includes time at the busiest trauma centre in the UK, a centre for excellence in trauma, allowing for exceptional training opportunities. We also boast rotations at the world renowned Pulvertaft Hand unit, again providing outstanding exposure and training opportunities.
The rotation covers a small geographical area making commuting possible if living in any of the areas in the rotation and ease of attending teaching sessions provided at various sites every Friday.
Within the rotation there are opportunities to attend first-class exam teaching including twice yearly FRCS mock examinations and access to the Chesterfield course. And with help from these, we have an outstanding FRCS pass rate.
We have an expanding academic program with our training program director being a professor in trauma who actively encourages people to consider time out for academic training and research. He has also been very encouraging of those who choose to go part time.
Khalis Boksh