Post CCT
Once you get to the end of your training, you are awarded your Certificate of Completion of Training! This is the moment your career as an independent practitioner as an Orthopaedic Surgeon can begin!
BOTA is here to help you make that transition.
How to Join BOTA
Membership with BOA includes a membership to BOTA included for free.
Membership of both organisations allows you to take part in a range of opportunities and events including both the BOA Congress and BOTA Congress separately as well as the yearly UKITE exam.
However, you can join BOTA alone, by paying just £30 a year by completing our standing order form
Fellowships are vital to sub-specialty learning and practice.
Start thinking about fellowships early! Think about fellowships early on, from ST5/6 particularly if you are looking to go abroad as international fellowships are very competitive with many recruiting a couple of years in advance.
The BOTA Fellowship finder website is definitely your first stop!
Find your next fellowship on our new Fellowship Finder
TIG Fellowships
Training Interface Group Fellowships are special fellowships that provide trainees the opportunity to train in different specialties to enhance their sub-specialty interest training, for example such as Hand Surgery (Orthoplastics) and Major Trauma (Orthopaedics/ Emergency Medicine/ Vascular/ Trauma).
A TIG fellowship is undertaken pre CCT (but have to be post FRCS to start), therefore trainees usually do it in their ST7 or ST8 year. Recruitment can vary during the year for the different TIG fellowships but usually is around March/ April time with a start time of June/ July the following year.
TIG Fellowship
Find out about the Training Interface Group and how to apply for a fellowship
Finding a Job
If you are within 6 months of CCT or have already obtained it, register to NHS Jobs website and set up a search for your subspecialty of choice which will allow notifications to come directly to your email account as new jobs are advertised. This will enable you to stay up to date and not miss any potential jobs you may be interested in.
Once jobs are advertised, contact the clinical director (usually the point of contact) and enquire about the job. This is a good way to demonstrate your interest but also allows you to gather more information to see whether the job is also right for you. It is also a good opportunity to introduce yourself, especially to a department you have not worked in before.
Preparing for Interview
its vital that you start preparing for interviews as soon as you become a you pass your FRCS. This includes polishing up your portfolio, identifying gaps in your knowledge, and booking appropriate coures.
Books such as the Ultimate Medical Consultant Interview Guide and The Consultant Interview cover the breadth of the application process and give valuable question banks for practice
Interview Courses
Find an interview course that is going to help you get the job you want