1. Trainee suggests collaborative research project idea by emailing academic@bota.org.uk
2. Trainee will be requested to make a project toolkit, similar to previous projects here
3. Suitable associate surgical special lead (ASSL) with oversight from trauma, paediatrics and elective surgical specialty lead (SSL) will perform a SWOT analysis
4. Project discussed in monthly BOTA ASSL meeting, chaired by the academic representative
5. If project is felt suitable and high yield for trainee involvement it will be badged by BOA, BOTA and RCS England. It will be disseminated via official channels
6. Please ensure project launch and dissemination after discussion with BOA, BOTA ASSL meeting has been conducted, as this may prevent endorsement by BOTA

Have an Idea?

Meet The SSL

Professor Xavier Griffin spearheads academic orthopaedics at QMUL and Barts Health, having joined as the inaugural chair of Bone & Joint Health. Xavier’s vision is for worldclass excellence in research and clinical academic training; providing opportunity for the next generation of clinician scientists to realise their aspirations.
Xavier is a NIHR Clinician Scientist and has been awarded over £10m of research funding. His research is focused on the clinical and cost effectiveness of new and existing treatments to improve bone and joint health and has been cited by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence. He has a passion for developing methodologies which harness the speed, power and efficiency of routinely-collected data but are coupled with the great advantages of randomisation.
Xavier’s clinical expertise is orthopaedic trauma surgery specialising in pelvic fractures. He enjoys working as part of the team at the busiest orthopaedic trauma hospital in Europe – The Royal London.
Speaker, ‘Simple Ankle Fractures in Complicated Patients – What Do We Really Know?’ – BOFAS/OTS Revalidation
Speaker, 'Knowledge into Practice – Trials in Orthopaedic Trauma’ – OTS Revalidation
Speaker, ‘The WHiTE Hip Fracture Studies: The Ghosts of Past, Present and Future’ – Hunterian Lecture
Speaker, '360 Revalidation Upper Limb, Trauma and Paediatrics (BJ360)'
Speaker, 'BOA Research Committee: Research for Optimising Orthopaedics'
Speaker, 'National Hip Fracture Database – Driving Quality Improvement in Hip Fracture Care and Beyond'

Professor Daniel Perry
(Paediatric SSL)
Daniel Perry is Associate Professor of Children’s Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Oxford, an NIHR Clinician Scientist and a Consultant Children's Orthopaedic Surgeon Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool.
Dan has united surgeons throughout the UK, such that they are now working together to change the face of children’s research worth about £7m. Dan’s love is to make clinical trials accessible – both to children, parents and surgeons. He keenly integrates cartoons, animations, videos and text message communication to make trials easy for everyone!
Dan is a member of the NIHR HTA Commissioning Board, is an Editor of the Bone and Joint Journal and is the clinical lead for hip screening within Public Health England.
Meet The Associate SSL

Mr Chris Bretherton
BMedSci, BMBS (Hons), DPhil, FRCS (Orth)
(Trauma Associate SSL)
X - @brethertonc
Chris completed his initial SpR training and DPhil in Oxford and joined the Royal London Rotation as an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in September 2023. He has enthusiasm and experience in collaborative research, leading projects including multi-centre audit, randomised controlled trials and priority setting partnerships. Chris is the past BOTA Academic Representative and the current RCS/BOA Associate Surgical Speciality Lead for Adult Trauma. His clinical and academic interests include fragility fractures, major trauma and pelvis & acetabular surgery. When not #Collaborating – you’ll find him climbing the walls or throwing down with the University Mixed Martial Arts club!

Mr Luke Farrow
BSc (Intercalated), MBChB (Hons), MRCS(Ed)
(Elective Associate SSL)
X - @docfarrow
Luke is a Scottish Research Excellence Development Scheme (SCREDS) Clinical Lecturer based in Aberdeen. He is currently in the final stages of a Clinical Academic Fellowship exploring how to make improvements in the clinical care pathway for those awaiting hip and knee replacement through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
He has particular research interests in the use of routinely collected healthcare information and clinical applications of AI in Trauma and Orthopaedics. Outside of work he enjoys family time with his wife and 3 young kids, as well as a spot of golf and cycling when life permits!

Mr Abinhav Singh
BSc (Hons), BMBS, MSc, MRCS, PGCert ClinEd
(Paediatric Associate SSL)
X - @OrthoSingh
Abhinav is an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and an Orthopaedic Registrar within the North West Thames rotation. His research focuses on improving newborn screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
He is investigating the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the accuracy of ultrasound interpretation. He is also focused on robust evaluation of clinician performance when utilising AI-enabled diagnostic tools.
He is currently a member of the British Orthopaedic Trainees Association (BOTA) Executive team, having previously served as the organisation’s President (2022/23) and Academic Representative (2021/22).

Following the success of the BOTA's research decision tree, in collaboration with RCS England/BOA's Surgical Speciality Leads (SSL) and associates (aSSL), BOTA's position regarding disseminating survey requests was discussed at length at the latest BOTA committee meeting (BOA Congress, September 2023).
The committee unanimously agreed that BOTA will only support dissemination requests for surveys that have gained subspecialty endorsement and materially benefit the entire BOTA membership. Non-survey-based research projects will continue to be pitched in the usual manner via the decision tree.
BOTA is not able to badge any survey requests or publicise them via official channels unless they are vetted via the research decision tree - www.bota.org.uk/pitchanidea or through the academic rep (academic@bota.org.uk). This has been done to ensure complete transparency.
Finally, we understand that some individual-led surveys may tackle pertinent clinical questions or from the basis of a trainee's application for grants, higher degrees or any issues for the benefits of our membership. We are happy to discuss these on individual basis or signpost the appropriate channels such as regional collaboratives or sub-specialty trainee committees.