We want to inspire the next generation of Orthopaedic surgeons and ensure we do everything we can to help our pre-registrar doctors achieve their goal of training in Trauma and Orthopaedics
Find resources here to help prepare you for application to Orthopaedic National Selection, deal with an Orthopaedic Junior doctor job and develop your interest in the speciaility.
Changes to Core Surgical Recruitment
NHS England are inviting all Foundation Year 2 doctors (FY2s) who want to apply for core surgical training this recruitment round to attend one of 3 webinars to find out more about the CST Recruitment Portfolio Assessment. You only need to attend on 1 date as the information covered will be the same. The webinars will not be recorded.
Please submit your questions prior to the webinar by using this form
Join us on one of the following dates to find out more….
Wednesday 16 October 2024 - 08:30 - 09:15am Join the meeting now
Friday 18 October 2024 - 12:45 - 13:30pm Join the meeting now
Monday 21 October 2024 - 18:00 - 18:45pm Join the meeting now

BOTA invites submissions for the 2024 Junior Essay Prize
The essay prize is generously sponsored
by The Worshipful Company of Barbers.
1st Prize: £500
2nd Prize £300
3rd Prize £200
The winning essay will be published on BOA’s Orthopaedics Online and will receive the BOTA Essay Prize
Certificate at Annual Congress.
1) Open to pre-registrar doctors (Foundation doctors, SHO, Core Surgical Trainees)
2) Submissions open on 1st June 2024 and close on 11th August 2024 at 12pm
3) Entries must be no longer than 1000 words (including tables/figures but excluding references/titles)
4) Only entries that are submitted via email, in Word format to the published email address will be accepted
5) Entries should be submitted in Arial size 12 font, excluding title.
6) Submissions will be anonymised and marked with a standardised mark scheme by a panel of independent judges
How to Join BOTA
Membership with BOA includes a membership to BOTA for foundation trainees and junior doctors up to ST2.
Foundation doctors can apply for the same rate as medical students (£16 annually)
Membership of both organisations allows you to take part in a range of opportunities and events including both the BOA Congress and BOTA Congress separately.
Alternatively, (especially for CT doctors) you can just become a member of BOTA only for an annual renewal fee of £30 annually
Foundation Programme
The 2-year Foundation Programme (FP: FY1-2) can cover any of the specialties open to a doctor. It is recruited for in the final year of medical school, and commonly involves six 4-month rotations. FP jobs are largely hospital based, and largely ward based.
Orthopaedics is not a common rotation in the FP. No matter what your rotations are, they entitle you to apply for Core Surgical Training. FP. No matter what your rotations are, they entitle you to apply
for Core Surgical Training. BOTA deliver and promote high quality orthopaedic events and courses to help youbuild your surgical portfolio throughout FP.
If you are interested in Trauma and Orthopaedics and want to know more about the job role, see the following guides from the BOA, BMJ and RCSEng.
The Foundation Programme
Find out about the Foundation Programme and the jobs available from the UKFP website
Whatever you do as a Foundation doctor, doing a taster week in T&O is vital during this period in order to get a better idea of the day to day reality of the speciality prior to surgical training.
The British Orthopaedic Association website is a key resource for anyone interested in a career in Trauma and Orthopaedics
Core Surgical Training
The 2-year Core Surgical Training Programme (CST1-2) commonly consists of 4-6 rotations across the surgical specialties. With recruitment run by NHS England, CST programmes still represent the main entry route to ST3 recruitment with approximately 600 CST posts advertised annually.
Make sure you are up to date with the most recent CST information, recruitment timelines and self-
assessment criteria early when thinking about CST application.
BOTA advertises a number of courses to help enhance your T&O experience during CST. However, the key thigs to do during these two years are to do your mandatory courses as per the Trauma and Orthopaedic person specification and pass your intercollegiate MRCS exam!
Core Surgery can be tough! There are huge variations in the teaching and learning opportunities in CST posts, so it is important to be aware of what you are entitled to! The JCST is responsible for training, and you can find valuable information about training on their website.
Finally, your BOTA Junior Representative attends the JCST and Core Surgical Training Advisory Committee (CSTAC) meetings on your behalf. Have your say on the current state of core surgical training and make sure your voice is heard at national committee meetings.
BOTA & You
No matter what junior level you are, BOTA offers a number of opportunities to engage with T&O, from courses, to events and ourvery own webinar series: Bare Bones and Sunday Supper
Bare Bones
Our new webinar series helps to give you knowledge on key Orthopaedicc topics!
Getting into Higher Training
We have our dedicated Getting into Specialty Traning page as well as a range of other resources to help
We have a range of resources available on the BOTA website including our Online Resources page and our Getting Into Speciality Training page. Make the most of them and if you feel like theres more we can add to your experience - let us know!
BOTA congress is our premier event of the year and is where you get the chance to network with orthopaedic trainees across the country, rub shoulders with leading consultants giving world class lectures and learn from our Junior focussed sessions which run throughout Congress
Getting Involved in BOTA
BOTA is always looking for junior members to assist at yearly Congress and if you are interested, please get in contact with our Junior rep
Alternatively, at Congress you can put yourself forward for nomination as our next BOTA Junior Rep.
You become a full member of the BOTA committee helping to shape the BOTA agenda and engagement with junior doctors
You will be responsible for representing all pre-registrar doctors on the BOTA committee as well as on other projects and panels with organisations such as the BOA and JCST
BOTA Junior Rep
Find out more about