Salma Chaudhury
Thames Valley
I believe I can make valuable contributions due to my passion, unique combination of perspectives and some relevant Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative experiences.
- Some key insights I can offer the wider orthopaedic community stem from my reflections as a female orthopaedic senior clinical fellow, Oxford trainee, academic clinical lecturer, full-time working mother of two delightfully energetic boys and my British Bangladeshi heritage.
- I have already started to address issues surrounding lack of representation through my role on the BOA Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee, as a member of Oxford University’s Development Committee for the Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff Network and by supporting the Inspiring the Future initiative encouraging school children from deprived areas.
- I improved my understanding of relevant issues and potential solutions through presenting the national BOA diversity research survey at the BOA conference, the Imperial Positive About Cultural Talent (IMPACT) BAME development and Oxford-Cambridge RisingWise Initiatives supporting females in STEM.
- I developed skills in collaborating and affecting sustainable change through the BOA Future Leader’s Programme and Oxford Management in Medicine courses.
It would be a privilege to listen to and advocate for trainees while collaborating with the deanery and BOA to address these important initiatives.