Kohila Vani Sigamoney
North West (North West)
I would like to become a BOA & BOTA Culture & Diversity Champion because I feel that diversity will improve the quality of our work. In recent years, I have observed that there is an increase in promotion and acceptance of diversity amongst our colleagues. There is a lot more to improve in encouraging not just phenotypical differences (gender, race, etc) but also of thought and choices in life and career. The more people can relate to their authentic self, the better their productivity.
As a C&D champion, amongst other things, I will use my experience to promote a positive culture of inclusivity and respect for different attributes and features. The work environment should allow for colleagues within T&O to continue to do the job they are passionate about despite the challenges faced through adjustments and teamwork, whilst allowing maintenance of the highest quality of patient care. I would also like to improve the awareness of challenges faced by international doctors who are either here short-term or permanently. Adjustment can be difficult and understanding is important.
With the above reasons, I hope that I will receive support to become the C&D Champion and contribute to a more diverse workforce.