Kodali Prasad
Kodali Siva R K Prasad serves as BOA - BOTA Culture and Diversity Senior
Champion for Wales. He is also Orthopaedic Committee Member of British
Orthopaedic Association, Executive Committee Member for British Indian
Orthopaedic Society & Vice-Chair Consultants Committee, Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil.
He is as International Editor and peer reviewer for leading orthopaedic journals,
contributing to innovative interchangeable application of clinical practice and
research, which enriches both in pursuit of excellence.
He is the only International Associate Editor for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related
Research from U and is a Consultant Editor for Orthopaedic Product News. In
addition, he served as International Assistant Editor for Foot and Ankle
International and Editorial Board member for AOFAS and is currently AOFAS
Research Committee member.
He is a peer reviewer for various journals including JBJS, JBJS Case Connector, JBJS
Reviews, JBJS Open Access, JBJS Surgical Techniques and JFAS.
He was selected as Top Reviewer for JBJS & CORR and finally Elite Reviewer for
JBJS on 5 occasions in 5 years with consequent inclusion in JBJS Editorial Board
He received several awards including DePuy Summer University Award, one of the
best oral papers - SICOT, Best Design Award (BIOS), Making a Difference Award,
Team Award, Above and Beyond Award, Research Recognition Award (BIOS) and
Professional Excellence Award (BAPIO - Silver Jubilee 2021).