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Ghulam Abbas


East of England

I would like to apply for the position of BOA cultural diversity champion as I believe in promotion of diverse and inclusive orthopaedic community in 21st century Britain to reflect the population we care in our day to day practice.

As working hours constitute more than 50% of our lives in a day, positive experience in a work environment can lead to feeling of being valued, welcomed, included and respected within T&O surgery by everyone and better patient care.

I have the ability to positively engage with individuals and have set up FRCS Orth teaching program in my trust and won surgical education award 2021 for this contribution. This educational effort created a cohesive collective network to share resources and support the Orthopaedic workforce.

I am passionate to create a positive teaching and learning environment by bringing diverse group of Orthopaedic trainees and trainers together making better orthopaedic care in Britain and the rest of the World.

I was recently unwell with Covid-19 and ended up on ventilator for 28 days, this experience has made me a better doctor as I have seen the best diverse NHS workforce as a patient which I want to promote if given opportunity.

Ghulam Abbas
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