Elizabeth Moulder
Yorkshire and the Humber
The evidence tells us that women are as capable as men. We understand that they are not sexual objects to be touched, owned or harassed. We know that the skin colour, or sexual orientation, of an individual does not affect their work, and nor should it affect our attitude to them.
But I heard a consultant declare another colleague “must be gay”, because a case ran over time.
Another colleague was told he ought to follow rugby, to fit in with the boys.
A consultant colleague told me that I looked like a school girl in my dress, and it was turning them on.
I hear terms such as “female registrar” or “Indian doctor” used as a judgement, not a descriptor.
A brilliant junior doctor told me he was not going to follow his dream of orthopaedics; the culture was too toxic.
And another described, through tears, how a consultant had asked if she was as willing and eager in bed, as she was to assist in theatre.
And no one spoke up.
It takes time for the evidence to follow into practice, and for the culture to change. I am ready to speak up.