1. SAC - Natalie Green
I would like to nominate Nat Green for the BOTA SAC representative role for this year. Having worked with her since core training, I know she has an absolute passion for all things educational as well as a strong leadership background from her time in the Royal Navy earlier in her medical career. Educationally, she is an ATLS instructor, helps looks after the Guyanese orthopaedic training programme (World Orthopaedic Concern) and recently co-ran the West Midlands deanery FRCS revision course. In the past, she has had higher educational experiences, taking a full-time role within the Defence Medical Services and helping reshape the military ‘Defence Medic’ course. Having recently experienced the FRCS exam, she is well placed and keen to gain a greater insight into the educational background of this, as well as understand how to make improvements for future trainees.
As a current and previous rota registrar, Nat has always maintained an advocacy towards her fellow trainees. During the time of a number of trust mergers in the wider region, she has stepped up to represent the resident doctors and liaise with management to ensure fair pay. I have no doubt that she will continue to keep trainees’ best interests at the forefront during this role. Well-respected by peers and seniors alike, she is often able to find the common ground during discussions, working to bring everyone together. I feel as a highly engaged and capable trainee, Nat would be ideally placed for the representative role.
James Archer