Advertising with BOTA
Why advertise with BOTA?
Advertising with BOTA
BOTA is keen to help all educational organisations advertise their courses and opportunities for the benefit of trainees
We have a number of advertising packages available for courses and opportunities for orthopaedic focussed trainees to engage with courses . If you provide discounts for BOTA/BOA members, we would be able to provide discount pro rata to the advertising packages too!
Free Courses and Opportunities
All FREE courses, webinars and opportunities will be advertised on the BOTA website for free!
This includes a post on our website and a social media post on Twitter!
Please email publicity@bota.org.uk for further information

Bespoke Advertising
BOTA currently still offers a multiple-course deal for organisations who are planning to offer courses throughout the year. Please feel free to enquire about this via publicity@bota.org.uk.
We also offer limited advertising space in JOINT - our yearly BOTA journal.
We welcome corporate sponsors who wish to be affiliated with BOTA. Please feel freeto get in contact with us at publicity@bota.org.uk