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Chris Bretherton

Academic Rep

I’m Chris, @BOTA_uk Academic Rep - ST6 and currently studying for a PhD on ankle fractures @Ndorms. T&O currently lead the field with our pragmatic CCT research requirements…I’m hoping @BOTA_UK can help us all get more involved with multicentre clinical trials and less time writing up our bosses pants case-series on left big toe bunions!
When not #Collaborating – you’ll find me rowing on the ISIS or training with the @UniofOxford Mixed Martial Arts club: Stay tuned for varsity!

Role Responsibilities

The Academic Rep is responsible for liaising and keeping upto date with latest news in orthoapedic research and organisations. 

For congress they are responsible for organising abstract submissions for BOTA Congress (podium and poster)  including: Advertising, collating submissions, disseminating for judging, notify authors, and running the academic session at congress. 

Outside of congress they are responsible for organising medical student bursary awards ; Attending co-opted committee meetings;  Developing trainee collaborative research networks; Contributing to writing JOINT magazine.

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